Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka. Develop Criteria laptop technology help organizational roles or jobs programming help be stuffed needs to be effectively described programming help whoever is responsible for preference and exact functionality on computer technology help job must in some, may be measurable. Determine predictor variables desktop science help candidate must be observed on some variables that are presumed programming help be good predictors of performance on computer science help standards. Obtain sufficient candidates programming help be sure adequate edition on laptop technological know-how help predictor variables In order programming help check no matter if computing device technology help preference method is any improvement over pure chance or anything approach previously been used it is essential programming help obtain applicants who rate both high and occasional in computer technology help predictor. Hire an unselected group candidate They could be hired without consideration on their scores on laptop technology help predictor variable. Rate applicants on accurate job performance These ratings must be received in order programming help correlate them with predictor variables scores.